Wow! January 1, 2011.
As a child I could not see so far in the future and believe that it existed. I remember the days when I thought that 30 was old. Oh, to relive those days… but alas, one thing I have learned in all these years – is that you cannot live in the past. You must live in the now. Don’t waste time worrying about a future that may not exist and instead enjoy the present for the gift that it is.
I’m not going to deny that my past, the experiences, the choices, and the outcomes are all a part of who I am today – but they are not who I AM. A drop of water is not the ocean… but without the collective drops the ocean would not exist.
In all my years of living, and observing the lives of others, I have come to realize that our biggest challenge is recognizing our own reflection. Not just in terms of the visual reflection of ourselves, but the emotional and spiritual reflection of ourselves.
A balanced life is a harmonious life. A balanced life must take into consideration what I call the 3-D view – the mind, the body, and the spirit.
Looking back at the times in my life when I felt the most off balance one or more of these considerations were neglected. As a result my world got out of control – not always in a seemingly bad way – but sometimes even too much of a good thing is not a good thing when one you are neglecting an area of your life that requires ongoing “maintenance”.
We don’t declare ourselves as healthy and in shape, and then demonstrate the behaviors of someone who is not healthy and in shape and expect ourselves to remain in that condition. We cannot say that we are spiritual or religious and never incorporate prayer or meditation into our so-called busy lives. And we must continue to learn and expand our own knowledge in order to transform that knowledge into wisdom. The wisdom that it will take to see our own reflection.