Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012 Resolution Success

What is the Vision for your resolution?

Do you want to lose weight, save money, get a new job; start your own business?

The possibilities are endless...

2013 can be the year to achieve even the biggest dreams! Or at least make headway towards the BIG DREAM.

Our New Year's resolutions are often times an attempt to remove the distractions in our lives that we know are preventing us from achieving our big dreams. We use the "point in time" as a marker for a fresh start. Often times we bolt out of the starting gate like a man on fire, with pure enthusiasm and intention. As time passes, the enthusiasm fades - and the good intentions fall to the wayside.

That's why it is so important to develop a plan of action, with target dates, milestones, and ways to measure success and progress. The plan creates a framework with enough flexibility to keep you on track and focused on the end goal even when unexpected events might otherwise totally derail your progress.

So... if your vision is to look like Janet Jackson after the Rhythm Nation tour - then sitting on the couch eating chocolates leftover from Christmas is not going to get you there. (Of course, I am speaking to myself.)

I’m fairly confident my big dreams do not require abs of steel, so instead, I am going to implement the changes that I know, based on experience, I need to make.

My action plan is to return to my pre-holiday habits of eating healthier, drinking more fluids, and getting more exercise, while enjoying this sunny southern California paradise I am blessed to call home.

The most important aspect of the plan is ownership. I need to own it, stick to it, and get back on the proverbial wagon when I fall off and find the occasional delicious red velvet cupcake smashed into my face.

Take ownership for your own success, have a plan of action - don't allow the events, people, and circumstances outside yourself prevent you from being successful.

Shiny things along the way get us off track and somehow we end up at the end of the new year in the same place or sometimes even further away from the dream.

This year, develop an action plan, so that next year instead of issuing the same old resolutions - you can replace them with new resolutions taking you even closer to the BIG DREAM!

Do you have an action plan for your resolutions?